Collard Greens Recipe (2024)

This collard greens recipe is the perfect quick and healthy side dish that I am sure you and your family will fall in love with.

Collard Greens Recipe (1)

Last week I promised to give you my recipe for the best collard greens that the world has ever known. I'd like to take credit for this recipe, but actually, it came from my mother, Sarah Windham.

I've never had a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner without collard greens. That's just how we eat at Windham's Crossroads. So here goes.

The first step is selecting your collards. We are fortunate that we can just go out into our garden and cut some.

What you need

Lucy came out to help. If you don't have a garden, I suggest that you buy your collards at your local farmer's market. You may even find a farmer selling collards out of the back of his pickup truck by the side of the road. If you see that, pull over. At the last resort, you can buy them in a bag at your grocery store, but I never have.

Collard Greens Recipe (2)

Lucy and I cut two bunches this morning after our very first substantial frost last night. I've always heard that collards are best after a frost. I'm here to tell you that I cooked some last week that were very good, but not nearly as good as the ones that have been touched by frost.

How to make Collard Greens Recipe

Step 1

The first thing I do is to de-stem the leaves. I remember going to a gourmet restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina. I ordered some collard greens as a side dish, and the waiter brought a green glob of something with huge stems in it. I called the waiter over and said, "The chef ain't from around here, is he?" Oh well, I digress.

Collard Greens Recipe (3)

I usually do this outside at the picnic table. Using a paring knife, I make a cut on each side of the stem.

Collard Greens Recipe (4)

You can throw away the stems, but I put mine in our compost bin.

Step 2

Then I hand the de-stemmed leaves to Jane. She takes them into the house and puts them into the sink.

Collard Greens Recipe (5)

She rinses them with cool water. Our collards are clean, but sometimes you will need to wash them twice to remove all sand or grit.

Collard Greens Recipe (6)

Step 3

Now take 4 or 5 leaves and stack them together. Roll them up like you're making a big, fat cigar.

Collard Greens Recipe (7)

Rolling the leaves speeds up the process of cutting the collards.

Collard Greens Recipe (8)

Step 4

Cut the roll every ½ inch, giving you strips of collards.

Collard Greens Recipe (9)

Step 5

Now get out your largest pot. I use a 10 quart pot. You are going to need something to season the collard greens.

Collard Greens Recipe (10)

I use fatback (sometimes called salt pork.) Some folks use a smoked ham hock, others use bacon. Once when I was dieting, I used a beef bouillon cube (I won't do that again!)

Collard Greens Recipe (11)

Step 6

Put about 4 or 5 slices of fatback in the bottom of the pot. You need to render some of the fat out of the fatback by cooking it for a few minutes on high. Leaving the strips in, fill the pot about half full of water.

Collard Greens Recipe (12)

Step 7

Bring the water to a boil and add some of the collards to the pot. You won't be able to get all the greens into the pot at one time. Let them cook down a bit and add some more.

Collard Greens Recipe (13)

Keep pushing them down into the liquid until they are all in the pot.

Step 8

Add salt, black pepper, and garlic salt to taste. Continue to boil for about 30 minutes, lower the heat, cover and simmer for about 1 ½ hours.

How do you know when they are done? Pull out a strip and taste it. It should be tender and taste good!

Collard Greens Recipe (14)

Step 9

Put them into a colander and let them drain. Cooked collards won't win any beauty contests! Remove and dispose of the fatback.

By now your whole house smells like cooked collards. Some people don't like that smell, but I do. Smells like home to me.

While they are draining, get out a large frying pan. Do not use a nonstick pan because you will be cutting the collards in the pan.

Collard Greens Recipe (15)

Fry a half pound of bacon. Remove the bacon, and put the collards into the pan with the bacon grease. Reduce the heat to medium. Sprinkle 3 tablespoons of sugar onto the collards.

Collard Greens Recipe (16)

Step 10

Cut the collards into smaller pieces in a criss-cross fashion. Don't get lazy here. You need to cut them thoroughly. Let the collards cook until all the water has evaporated. Be careful not to burn the collards, and stir them occasionally. When all the water is gone, they are ready.

Collard Greens Recipe (17)

To serve, put the collards in a bowl and crumble the bacon on top.

Collard Greens Recipe (18)

After they've been plated (I heard that term on Food Network) add a touch of vinegar to enhance the flavor. I prefer to use homemade hot pepper vinegar. What do you serve with collards? Tonight we had country ribs and rice and a baked sweet potato. That's about as Southern as it gets. When you look at a plate like that, it makes your tongue slap your brains out trying to get to it. Now that's good eating!

Collard Greens Recipe (2024)


What takes the bitterness out of collard greens? ›

The foods that help reduce bitterness are:
  • Salt while cooking and/or while eating (like on bitter salad greens)
  • Sweet or Spicy.
  • Sour or Acids like lemon or vinegar.
  • Long cooking like braising (think southern collard greens that are cooked for hours)
  • Blanch first.
Jul 7, 2021

Why do you put vinegar in collard greens? ›

This might seem like an unusual addition if you're new to making collard greens, but the vinegar adds a welcome tangy note that brightens the dish and balances out the salty, savory flavors. A tablespoon of sugar also helps balance out the greens' potential bitterness.

What do you soak collard greens in before cooking? ›

Here's how to properly wash collard greens.
  1. Fill your sink with water, and then add 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar and 3 tablespoons salt. ( ...
  2. Swish this around, and then submerged your greens in the water. ...
  3. Let the greens soak for 20-30 minutes, giving them a good scrub midway.
Aug 1, 2021

What's the best way to eat collard greens? ›

10 Delicious Ways to Eat Collard Greens
  1. Rolled up in a Wrap. This is where the sturdiness of these leaves pays off big time. ...
  2. Mixed into a Meaty Braise. ...
  3. Stirred into Soup. ...
  4. Cooked into a Stir-Fry. ...
  5. Shredded into a Casserole. ...
  6. Puréed into Pesto. ...
  7. Added to Chili. ...
  8. In Salads and Slaws.

Why put baking soda in collard greens? ›

Baking soda has infinite uses in cooking and beyond: It's a leavening agent, an odor neutralizer, and an antacid to name a few. In the case of collard greens, baking soda's utility is threefold, serving as a flavor enhancer, a tenderizer, and a color protector.

How do you cook collard greens without bitterness? ›

A quick dip in boiling water can leach out some of the bitter compounds in these greens. Add acid. We use lemon juice in our slow cooker collard greens, but any type of vinegar or even lime juice will work great. Tip: Add citrus acids after you take the dish off the heat.

What is the best meat for collard greens? ›

The most authentic collard greens, in my opinion, are made with smoked ham hocks or bacon. But, as time has passed, society has gotten more health conscious. So, many families began using alternatives such as smoked turkey necks, wings, and tails.

Which vinegar is best for collard greens? ›

Apple cider vinegar: Collards can be notoriously bitter. The vinegar balances the flavor and removes the bitterness. Stone House Seasoning: My favorite house blend seasoning of garlic, salt, and pepper. Sugar: A little bit helps remove any bitterness from the collard greens while giving a slightly sweet flavor.

Do you have to soak bagged collard greens? ›

The best way to clean collard greens is to soak them. Clean out your sink basin, then plug it and fill it to the top with cold water. Let the collards soak in that water for ten to fifteen minutes.

How do you neutralize bitter taste? ›

Sweetness: From sugar, honey, fruits or otherwise, sweetness will counteract bitter and sour flavours. It can also be used to cut down the heat of a particularly spicy meal. Saltiness: Salt plays two very important roles in flavouring a dish. Firstly, it balances against bitterness.

How do you sweeten bitter greens? ›

Here's the thing with bitter greens: You want to tame their bitterness, not eradicate it. Your secret weapon: salt. Although sugar may seem like a natural antidote, your taste buds won't think so. Try this: Sprinkle a bitter green like radicchio or endive with sugar and eat it.

Does vinegar tenderize collard greens? ›

When vinegar is added to collard greens, it helps to break down some of the tough fibers in the greens and tenderize them. Additionally, the acidity in the vinegar can help to enhance the flavors of other ingredients in the dish, such as onions, garlic, and smoked meats.

Can you use apple cider vinegar in collard greens? ›

Apple cider vinegar: Collards can be notoriously bitter. The vinegar balances the flavor and removes the bitterness. Stone House Seasoning: My favorite house blend seasoning of garlic, salt, and pepper. Sugar: A little bit helps remove any bitterness from the collard greens while giving a slightly sweet flavor.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.