3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (2024)

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Nut milk. The name sounds kind of ridiculous. But it looks like milk, has a similar shelf life, can be used in similar ways, and in many cases the nuts do actually have to be “milked”, so it’s easy to see why the name took hold!

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (1)

When I started out on my plastic-free journey, I bought cow’s milk that came in returnable glass bottles. But it wasn’t stocked in many places, so finding it was hard – and a bit of effort. Gathering those glass bottles together to return them meant a heap of clutter and a journey across town with them all (there was no deposit return either, only goodwill). Plus what to do with all those lids?!

I began making nut milk alongside dairy milk, because it was a lot easier to find nuts in bulk, and they have a long shelf life (they will last for months in a jar in the pantry, or even better, the freezer). I found nut milk worked just as well in baking, in porridge and in coffee, and I began to use it more and more.

Eventually I thought more about the impact of the dairy industry on the planet. Cows need a lot of water and land to produce milk, they produce huge amounts of methane, cause soil erosion, and the product has to be transported fresh, meaning a higher carbon footprint. Nuts use less water, the trees are beneficial for the environment, and the products have a long shelf life.

Nut milk seemed like the greener option. I decided to stop buying dairy milk altogether (my husband stopped too, but later).

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (2)

But of course, I don’t buy nut milk. Some commercial brands of nut milk are little more than bottled water! Alpro’s nut milk contains only 2% almonds, and the second biggest ingredient is sugar. Unnecessary packaging aside, shipping all that water across the globe seems like such a waste when we can ship dry nuts (or even better, use local ones) and make our own.

And I have to tell you, making your own is super easy. It requires no specialised equipment, and takes very little time. You’ll need a blender, but it doesn’t have to be a fancy one.

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (3)

Cashew milk is my go-to milk because it’s the easiest. Cashews are already quite soft, so they do not need to be soaked for a long time. They also contain very little fibre, so there is no need to strain.

To make:

Soak 1 cup of raw cashews in water for a few hours or overnight. Rinse, and blend with 4 cups water. Done.

I tend to blend my cashews with 1 cup of water at a time, for 30 seconds, before adding the next cup of water. I find that there are less (no) lumps in it this way.

Makes 1.2 litres. Lasts 7 – 10 days in the fridge. It may get thicker over time, in which case add a little more water to it.

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (4)

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (5)

Cashew milk works absolutely amazingly in coffee, too :)

Almond milk is the most common nut milk, but it isn’t the easiest or quickest to make. That doesn’t mean it’s hard, mind! It just needs soaking a little longer, and also straining.

To make:

Soak 1 cup of raw almonds in water for at least 12 hours, and even 24 hours (change the water every 8 hours or so). Rinse, and blend with 4 cups of water.Now you need to strain.

I strain my almond milk using cheesecloth as it has a fine weave and is 100% cotton. Spread the cheesecloth over a bowl or jug, pour the milk over and allow the almond milk to drip through. Squeeze to get any remaining drops out.

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (6) 3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (7)

I bought my cheesecloth off the roll at a fabric store – it is very inexpensive. (Cheesecloth is not the same thing as muslin. Muslin has a much looser weave and the fibre all gets stuck!)

Alternatively, you could use a clean tea towel or old pair of tights, or even a fine mesh sieve. Before I had the cheesecloth, I used one of my mesh produce bags. There is absolutely no need to buy an expensive plastic nut milk bag!

Makes about 800ml, and leaves a cup of almond pulp. Don’t throw the almond pulp away! It will last in the fridge for a week, or freeze it. And then make chocolate brownies : ) (Recipe below).

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (8)

Fresh almond pulp (almond milk on the right). I use cheesecloth the strain, and scrape the excess pulp off with a knife.

Other nut milks can be made in the same way, and most will require some kind of straining, although they won’t produce as much pulp as almond milk does. I’ve made macadamia milk (no need to strain), brazil nut milk and walnut milk.

Nuts can be expensive. Increasing the ratio of nuts to water will make a more cost-effective milk, but will also dilute the milk. I tend to use the ratio 1:4 nuts:water but this could be increased to 1:5 or 1:6.

As well as nuts, you can also make plant-based milk with seeds, oats and peanuts (which are techincally a legume, not a nut).

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (9)

Homemade pumpkin seed milk :)

These work out much cheaper than nut milks. I’ve tried making sesame seed milk (not recommended – it has a very strong flavour!), pumpkin seed milk (which is absolutely delicious) and sunflower seed milk. Flaxseed milk is also popular, although I’ve never tried this.

As above, the principle is the same. Soak, then blend 1 cup seeds with 4 cups water, and strain.

Now, let’s talk about what to do with the leftover pulp.

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (10)

This recipe has become my go-to almond pulp recipe. I’ve made savoury crackers, and macaroons too, but nothing beats chocolate-y goodness, so I always come back to this one.

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (11)


180g sugar (I use rapadura sugar)
1 cup almond pulp, approx (the pulp left over from using 1 cup of almonds to make almond milk)
80g cocoa powder (I’ve used both cocoa powder and raw cacao for this – I prefer cocoa powder but it doesn’t really matter. You might want to add a little more sugar if using cacao, though)
1/2 cup (110g) coconut oil (I use deodorised as I find the coconut oil flavour a little intense in desserts)
9 tbsp aquafaba (chickpea water – effectively a waste product being put to good use. Find out more here!)
1/2 cup (60g) spelt or other flour
1 tbsp vanilla essence
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup macadamias/walnuts/raspberries/chocolate chips/something else delicious
(or you could leave plain. But I consider all good brownies to need some kind of crunch)

Optional: a few tablespoons of cacao nibs and/or chopped nuts to top.


Line a square baking tin (if you use baking paper) and preheat the oven to 175°C.

Melt the coconut oil in a pan. Turn off the heat, add the almond pulp and stir to combine.

In a separate bowl, combine the sugar, cocoa powder and flour, and mix well. Add to the pan and stir in. It might seem really dry at first, but it will incorporate. Once combined, add the vanilla essence, salt and walnuts (or delicious thing of your choice).

In a tall cylinder, whisk the aquafaba to form stiff peaks. (This will take longer than you think.) I use a stick blender with a whisk attachment and it takes at least 5 minutes of constant whisking. Add the aquafaba to the brownie mixture in the pan, slowly folding to incorporate with as little stirring as possible.

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (12)

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (13)

Once incorporated, pour into the baking tray. Sprinkle the toppings on (if using) and bake in the oven for 20 – 25 minutes until the top is dry.

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (14) 3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (15) 3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (16)

Best stored in the fridge if you don’t demolish the whole lot in one sitting.

Now I’d love to hear from you! Have you ever made nut milk (or seed, oat or rice milk)? Which is your favourite? Which is your least favourite? If you’ve never made it before, is there something putting you off? Do you have any other alternatives to suggest? What about aquafaba – have you ever experimented with that? Are you just a little bit tempted to make these chocolate brownies?! Anything else you’d like to add? Please tell me your thoughts and leave a comment below!

3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (18)


3 Zero Waste Recipes: DIY Cashew Milk, Homemade Almond Milk + Almond Pulp Brownies (2024)


What happens to almond pulp after making almond milk? ›

What's leftover from the process of making almond milk is almond pulp. The almond pulp is then dried in the oven at a low temperature, left on the counter to cool overnight, and finally, processed into almond meal using a food processor or high-speed blender.

Can you substitute cashew milk for almond milk in baking? ›

Some people do not enjoy the taste of almond milk and therefore prefer cashew milk as it is more versatile. In most cases, cashew and almond milk can be used interchangeably in recipes, though you may be sensitive to the changes in taste or texture and have a strong preference.

What's healthier almond milk or cashew milk? ›

One cup of unsweetened almond milk is typically going to contain 40 calories, 1 gram of protein, 3 grams of fat, 2 grams of carbs, and 1 gram of fiber. On the other hand, one cup of cashew milk is going to contain fewer calories at 25, less than 1 gram of protein, 2 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbs, and 0 grams of fiber.

Can you use almond pulp to make almond flour? ›

Spread wet almond pulp on a lined baking tray and put into the oven for about 1-1.5 hours (until the mixture is completely dry to the touch). Every half an hour, stir the mixture with a spoon to make sure that it dries out evenly. Don't worry if there are any odd lumps, they will go during grinding phase.

What happens if you don't soak almonds for almond milk? ›

You really, really need to start with raw, unseasoned nuts.

Plan ahead: Raw nuts need to soak for at least 12 hours before blending. This saturates the nut from the inside-out, resulting in a smoother, creamier texture. It also yields more liquid, because fully saturated nuts blend better and leave less "pulp" behind.

Can cashew milk replace milk in baking? ›

Unsweetened Cashew Milk almost always performs well. It is lower in calories, fat and naturally occurring sugars than dairy, although it contains no protein. Cashew milk imparts a slightly nutty flavor undertone and due to its lower fat count, the final outcome will be denser and a bit drier.

Can you bake with cashew milk? ›

It can also be used in baking both savoury and sweet items, so whether you're baking cookies or soufflés, the mild flavour of cashew milk won't interfere with the other flavours.

Is it cheaper to make cashew milk or buy it? ›

Depending on where you buy your cashews, making your own milk will definitely be cheaper than buying storebought cashew milk, and cheaper, or at least on par with, the cheapest non-dairy milk brands.

Which nut milk is the healthiest? ›

For overall nutrition profile, however, almond milk and cashew milk top our list. In an extremely low-calorie package, one cup of each contains approximately 25 to 50 percent of your day's calcium and 25 percent of your daily vitamin D.

Is it OK to drink cashew milk everyday? ›

If you don't find yourself snacking on cashews, drinking cashew milk is a great way to incorporate a rich nutrition value into your daily routine. We love the creamy consistency of cashew milk. Its silky texture makes it perfect for drinking, coffee and cooking -- there are so many ways to use cashew milk every day.

What is the healthiest nut to make milk? ›

Almond Milk is the OG. Packed with vitamin E and healthy fats, almonds provide several nutritional benefits. No wonder they're known as the “queen” of the rose family. Here are just a few of the reasons why we love them.

What happens if I use regular flour for almond flour? ›

Converting from Traditional Flour

When converting almond flour, you can use a 1:1 ratio from traditional flour, however this can vary depending on the recipe. Most recipes will require a little extra flour, though, due to their different properties and composition.

Why use almond flour instead of regular? ›

Almond flour is a popular alternative to traditional wheat flour that's low in carbs, packed with nutrients and has a slightly sweeter taste. Almond flour may also provide more health benefits than traditional wheat flour, such as reducing “bad” LDL cholesterol and insulin resistance ( 1 , 2 ).

What does xanthan gum do to almond flour? ›

It is excellent for binding, structure-building, and elasticity for baked goods. In most cases, a little goes a long way. One-fourth teaspoon of xanthan gum is all that you need per one cup of almond flour.

Can almond pulp go bad? ›

If you store leftover almond pulp in the fridge, it will last about five days. To store almond pulp in the fridge, make sure it's stored in a sealed container. Glass or another kind of airtight container will work.

What does gum in almond milk do? ›

For example, in some dairy-alternative milks (i.e., oat milk or almond milk), gellan gum keeps the beverage's ingredients stable and suspended, which helps ensure you don't find lumpy sediment at the bottom of your drink.

Why is my homemade almond milk gritty? ›

Too much pulp can create a grainy texture. Quick tip: Leftover almond pulp can be dehydrated and turned into almond flour. Bake the pulp in the oven at the lowest temperature for a couple of hours to dry it out, then blitz it in a food processor to make it a fine consistency.

Why does homemade almond milk separate? ›

One common myth is that if it separates, it's bad, but in fact "any almond milk will separate naturally," says Carolyn. "Stabilizers and emulsifiers will make shelf stable ones separate more slowly, but regardless, it is natural, normal, and not a sign of it going bad. Just shake the milk before using," she says.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.